Naked Objects and ACCU London January 2010

I am very excited about the next ACCU London meeting when Dan Haywood will be speaking about Naked Objects. The meeting is open to all and is free, just check the ACCU website for details.

I’m excited about this talk because Naked Objects is one of the few technology based approaches to software development which I think holds real promise for better development. This is because the Naked Objects philosophy is based on a very different approach to most software development. Rather than view the end user as some kind of inconvenience Naked Objects treats them as a problem solver who wishes to solve something.

I read the original Naked Objects book by Richard Pawson and Robert Matthews a few years ago and the idea has been with me ever since (I reviewed the book in an earlier blog entry). Its the difference between treating users as adults and not children to my mind. Rather than the designers defining processes in the software they give users the tools to resolve the issues their customers raise. This approach respects the person using the software. It moves the conversation from business processes to customer service; and it fits far better with piecemeal growth over big-bang change.

Dan has just published a new book on Naked Object, Domain Driven Design Using Naked Objects and I’ve been lucky enough to have a sneak preview. This is the first technical book (i.e. one with lots of code) I’ve read for a while and I enjoyed it. So here is potted review… Dan sets out to explain the Naked Objects framework. Yes, Naked Objects is not just a philosophy it is the framework too. No need to invent the wheel, here it is; and it seems that framework has matured quite nicely.

He is passionate about his subject, I’m almost itching to download this stuff and start coding myself – arhh, if I could only prioritise coding for fun above the other things going on in my life. The writing is very clear and to the point with a little bit of humour. His instructions for getting the environment set up for the example code and case study is clear.

There are plenty of code samples and screen shots to illustrate what is going on which is nice but… On the downside the book is nearly 400 pages long which means it yo are unlikely to carry it around much. I read a PDF version so I didn’t suffer too much.

I sometimes seem to be the only person I know who has not read Eric Evan’s Domain Driven Design book. Initially I thought I might be at a disadvantage reading Dans book but he explained just enough to get me through. Indeed, I’m now intrigued and plan to get a copy of the DDD book.

Sometime ago I asked Steve Freeman “Whats all the fuss over domain driven design? What is it?” to which Steve said: “Its about doing objects correctly, the way we should have been doing them all along.”

Everything I’ve learned about domain driven design since then fits with Steve’s description. It seems to me that domain driven design and naked objects were made for one another so I’m glad to see Dan’s book.

1 thought on “Naked Objects and ACCU London January 2010”

  1. I concur with Steve Freeman's comment that '[DDD is] about doing objects correctly.' And I feel the same way about Naked Objects – it's how objects should have been done. Trygve Reenskaug (inventor of MVC pattern) was kind enough to agree with me on that.

    Hope you do find the time to get into Naked Objects seriously.

    Richard Pawson

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