Playing Featureban generates insights which can change your life – the importance of limiting work in progress, collaborating with others, resolving blockages early and many more.
While the game is freely available in both physical and online versions playing with an experienced facilitator takes you to a new level of understanding and awareness. This is especially true when playing with your own team of work colleagues to create shared understanding and action.
Software Strategy founder Allan Kelly regularly runs Featureban games, both public all comers session and private games for delivery and management teams.
Featureban is a great way to start or revitalise an improvement initiative such as agile adoption or Kanban conversion, however some teams stall when it comes to putting the lessons learned in the game into action. Again Allan Kelly is available to provide consulting and coaching advice on flow improvement, waste reduction, Kanban implementation and his own hybrid Xanpan method.
Book a chat about your initiative – no change, no obligation.