allan kelly

Pull, don’t push: Why you should let your teams set their own OKRs

There is a divide in the way Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) are practiced. A big divide, a divide between the way some of the original authors describe OKRs and the way successful agile teams implement them. If you haven’t spotted it yet it might explain some of your problems, if you have spotted it you might be feeling guilty.

The first school of thought believes OKRs should be set by a central figure. Be it the CEO, division leadership or central planning department, the OKRs are set and then cascaded, waterfall style, out to departments and teams.

Some go as far as to say “the key results of one level are the objectives of the lower levels.” So a team receiving an OKR from on high take peels of the key results, promotes each to Objective status. Next they add some new key results to each objective and hand the newly formed OKR to a subordinate team. The game of pass the parcel stops when OKRs reach the lowest tier and there is no-one to subordinate.

The second school of thought, the one this author aligns with, notes that cascading OKRs in this fashion goes again agile principle: “The best architectures, requirements, and designs
emerge from self-organizing teams.” In fact, this approach might also reduce motivation and entrench the “business v. engineer” divide.

Even more worryingly, cascading OKRs down could reduces business agility, and eschew the ability to use feedback as a source of competitive advantage and feedback.

Cascading OKRs

Cascading OKRs are handed down from above

We can imagine an organization as a network with nodes and connecting edges. In the cascading model information is passed from the edge nodes to the centre. The centre may also be privy to privileged information not known to the edge teams. Once the information has been collected the centre can issue communicate OKRs back out to the nodes.

One of the arguments given for this approach is that central planning allows co-ordination and alignment because the centre is privy to the maximum amount of information.

A company using this model is making a number of implicit assumptions and polices:

  1. Staff at the centre have both the skills to collect and assimilate information.
  2. That information is received, decisions made and plans issued back in a timely fashion. Cost of delay is negligible.

However, in a more volatile environment each of these assumptions falls. Rapidly changing information may only be known to the node simply because the time it takes to codify the information — write it down or give a presentation — may mean the information is out of date before it is communicated. In fact the nodes may not even know they know something that should be communicated. Much knowledge is tacit knowledge and is difficult to capture, codify and communicate. Consequently it is excluded from formal decision making processes.

The loss of local knowledge represents a loss of business agility as it restricts team’s ability to act on changing circumstances. Inevitably there will be delays both gathering information and issuing out OKRs. As an organization scales these delays will only grow as more information must be gathered, interpreted and decisions transmitted out. Connecting the dots becomes more difficult when there are more dots, and exponentially more connection, to connect.

This approach devalues local knowledge, including capacity and ambition. Teams which have no say in their own OKRs lack the ability to say “Too much”, they goals are set based upon what other people think — or want to think — they are capable of.

Similarly, the idea of ambition, present in much OKR thinking, moves from being “I want to strive for something difficult” to “I want you to try doing this difficult thing.” Let me suggest, people are more motivated by difficult goals that they have set themselves more than difficult goals which are given to them.

Finally, the teams receiving the centrally planned OKRs are likely to experience some degree of disempowerment. Rather than being included and trusted in the decision making process team members are reduced to mere executers. Teams members may experience goal displacement and satisficing. Hence, this is unlikely to lead either to high performing teams or consciences, responsible employees.

Any failure in this mode can be attributed to the planners who failed to anticipate the response of employees, customers or competitors. Of course this means that the planners need more information, but then, any self-respecting planner will have factored their own lack of information into the plan.

Distributed OKRs

Distributed OKR setting

In the alternative model, distributed OKRs, teams to set their own OKRs and feed these into any central node and to leaders. This allows teams to factor in local knowledge, explicit and tacit, set OKRs in a timely fashion and determine their own capacity and ambitions.

One example of using local knowledge is how teams managing their own work load, for example balancing business as usual (or DevOps) work with new product development. As technology has become more common fewer teams are able to focus purely on new product development and leave others to maintain existing systems.

Now those who advocate cascading OKRs will say: “How can teams be co-ordinated and aligned if they do not have a common planning node?” But having a common planner is not the only way of achieving alignment.

In this model teams have a duty to co-ordinate with both teams they supply and teams which supply them. For example, a team building a digital dashboard would need to work with teams responsible for incoming data feeds and those administering the display systems. Consequently, teams do no need to information from every node in the organization — as a central planning group would — but rather only those nodes which they expect to interact with.

This responsibility extends further, beyond peer teams. Teams need to ensure that their OKRs align with other stakeholders in the organization, specifically senior managers. In the same way that teams will show draft OKRs to peer teams they should show managers what they plan to work on, and they should be open to feedback. That does not mean a manager can dictate an OKR to a team but it does mean they can ask, “You prioritising the French market in this OKRs, our company strategy is to prioritising Australia. Is there a reason?”

A common planner is but one means of co-ordination, there are other mechanisms. Allowing teams the freedom to set OKRs means trusting them to gather and interpret all relevant information. When teams create OKRs which do not align it is an opportunity not a failure.

When two teams have OKRs which contradict, or when team OKRs do not align with executive expectations there is a conversation to be had. Did one side know something the other did not? Was a communication misinterpreted? Maybe communication failed?

Viewed like this OKRs are a strategy debugger. Alignment is not mandated but rather emerged over time. In effect alignment is achieved through continual improvement.

These factors — local knowledge and decision making, direct interaction with a limited number of other nodes and continual improvement — are the basis for local agility.

Pull don’t push

Those of you versed in the benefits of pull systems over push systems might like toes this argument in pull-push terms. In the top down approach each manager, node, pushes OKRs to the nodes below them. As with push manufacturing the receivers have little say in what comes their way, they do their bit and push to the next in lucky recipient in the chain.

In the distributed models teams pull their OKRs from their stakeholders. Teams ask stakeholders what they want from the team and they agree only enough OKRs to do in the coming cycle.

This may well mean that some stakeholders don’t get what they wanted. Teams only have so much capacity and the more OKRs they accept the fewer they will achieve. Saying No is a strategic necessity, it is also an opportunity to explore different options.

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Nuke the bug list when you nuke the backlog

“Nuke the backlog” originally a quick comment in a podcast about OKRs it summed up what I had come to believe. “Honey, I shrunk the backlog” presentation expands on that idea and outlines why I think teams should replace backlogs with just-in-time story generators – powered by OKRs or some other goal setting technique.

So I shouldn’t have been surprised when this question arrived in my mailbox:

“Throw away the backlog, is that for old bug tickets too? How does that work?”

The short answer is “Yes, throw away the bug list too.”

What do you mean, “Bug” ?

Basically the things we call bugs can be divide in two. Some are actual defects – things the system should never have done and quite possibly are detrimental to the running of the system. Everything else might be considered an enhancement. Logical right? Only where do you draw the line?

If I hit return 50 times and the system crashes the machine that is clearly a bug, the machine should not crash. But then again, how likely is someone to press return 50 times? Let me suggest not very often. And if they do, what are the chances of them doing it again? After all, there is a very easy work around. So while this might be a bug it might also be considered an enhancement request.

Ultimately, where you draw the line between bug and enhancement is subjective. This becomes really clear when you can count known bugs in single digits, 5 instead of 500. Until then calling a “change request” a bug is little more than an attempt to exert leverage and prioritise work. Calling it a bug might also have some other beneficial effect: apportioning blame might further another argument and moving a change from CapEx to OpEx column might help balance the books.

Consider all bugs from a priority point of view instead. While many different scales are used there are basically 3 categories: #1 must be done and done soon, #2 really should be done but not right now, and #3 should done but can be put off indefinitely.

Categories #1 and #3 are easy: the first are just done, the third are ignored forever but we kid ourselves that one day we’ll do them (right after we fix climate change, famine, war and pestilence.) Still, it is relatively easy to close all #3 reports over 12 months old. And next month close those over 10 months old. And so on. By all means keep a list of them somewhere but don’t pretend they will be fixed.

The only real debate are around category #2. We keep these on file in the hope that the Bug Fixing Fairy will fix them one day. In the absence of the fairy any work will require time and people to fix. That means they need to fight against all the other #2s and all the new shiny stuff. It is the same people who fix bugs as make shiny new things. It is a choice. A choice made probably by someone with the title Product Owner or Product Manager.

Which means if that fix isn’t more valuable than everything else then it won’t be done. This is the same argument I use when I say “Nuke the backlog.” If the fix isn’t valuable enough to justify being done, then it waits in a queue. The longer it waits the less important it is, leave any #2 bug there long enough and it will transform into #3.

What do I do?

The whole “is it a bug or is it a change request?” discuss is an utter waste of time. Whatever you call it work is needed, it s work to do, that work costs, that work creates benefits – the cost and the benefits are independent on what you call it. Benefit should the overriding criteria.


1) Fix the bugs you think need fixing

2) Don’t pretend you will fix the others, throw the bug list away

Of course, throwing away the records does not fix the “bugs”, they still exist – the same way cockroaches seem to survive everything. But we are recognising that, like cockroaches, the cost of action is not justified. This is simple honesty, a list of 100 items that we pretend will be done one day is dishonest. If that honesty creates a debate then good.

I have more advice – and more subtle advice in my “Bug management strategies” which outlines six strategies for addressing bugs and can be found in my lesser known “Xanpan appendix: Management and Team“.

Nuke the bug list when you nuke the backlog Read More »

Announcing the Succeeding with OKRs in Agile 2nd edition

The rumours are true, I’ve been working on a second edition of Succeeding with OKRs in Agile.

Now I’m ready to share, the content is stable, some polishing to do (mainly copy edit).

You can buy it now on LeanPub with free updates as they are ready.

In addition there is an OKR bundle available with give you the second edition and the first edition plus the unfinished Succeeding with OKRs in Agile Extra addition which contains additional chapters, journal articles, blog posts and Q&As. Buying the bundle will get you free updates to both the second edition and Extra as they progress.

No time scale for finishing Extra but I hope to have the second edition done by the end of the summer.

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AI will undermine offshore & WFH programers first

A postscript, continuing from AI might effect the world of software engineering and programming. I’m supposing the power of AI real and it can replace the people we now call programmers. What next?

Spoiler alert: This post if going to upset a lot of people, who like working from home or work as offshore.

Where will the first job losses come? – let me suggest the Indian IT industry has the most to loose from AI.

In past technology cycles the first jobs to go are usually the low end jobs. The jobs which are more easily replaced are the jobs which require less skill and knowledge. Initially new technology is far from perfect so it is applied narrowly to the simpler bits of work. For example, the co-pilot feature now appearing in programmers tools which can write part, but not all, of the function.

These are often the low wage jobs (that is not always true, sometimes low wage jobs survive because the cost means they aren’t worth replacing.) So, assuming AI programming starts at the low end and works its way up market who has the most to fear? The low wage coders, who are the low wage coders? – overwhelmingly the offshore, and often outsourced, jobs.

So, expect to see India’s tech sector hit before the USA and Europe, more generally, anyone who competes on price.

For similar reasons expect to see Stackoverflow and engineers who cut-and-paste code to be hit early.

Next, recall from my last post I said that Business Analysts and others who are tasked with understanding what is needed will benefit even as programming jobs are hit (assuming AI is true). That extends to programmers, again, many programmers actually spend a lot of their time working with customers, users – and even BAs – to understand what is needed. Such programmers, like BAs, will be safer than those who code-to-order.

Such roles are less transactional in nature. The problem, the solution, and even the role itself is vaguely defined. Understanding what is needed often requires understanding to turn a vague request into something much more specific. It requires empathy, it requires background information, it requires trust and a willingness to explore together.

Let me suggest that those things are still better done in person. Doing them online is possible but in general a much greater degree of communication and understanding is needed. Nuance can be important. For that reason I believe they are better done face-to-face, in the same location, time zone and even culture. Even if some work can be done remotely having a bond which comes from physical interaction can help.

Human’s will still have a role to play in working through vagueness. That is best done face-to-face so there is a premium for working in the office. If it isn’t vague then an AI can do it.

Again, offshore programmers will loose out here. Onsite engineers will be valued more. But also, engineers who work from home will loose out, especially those who work from home every day.

It is true, you can code from anywhere: the office, a coffee shop, your house. But acquiring deep understanding, empathy and trust requires you to be there. Right now is the worst time to stay at home.

AI will undermine offshore & WFH programers first Read More »

Winners and looses when AIs program

I feel guilty, the rest of the world has gone AI mad and I’ve said nothing about it. I’ve been hiding. Part of me feels sad and threatened, is AI going to wipe out the world I knew?

So here is my take. Since I come from a programming background, and since this is where a lot of the AI opportunities are supposed to be I’m going to talk about this. To those of you from elsewhere, let me ask: can you apply my logic to your world?

We’ve been here before, once upon a time code generators were gong to replace programmers, another time it was “programming in pictures”, another time it was 4GLs. Is this time different?

The term “AI” has been applied over the last 20 years to many systems which are little more than rules engines. These may not require programming but they do require configuration. Configuration which can be complicated – more than selecting Preferences/Edit/… and click. Instructing computer how to work, whatever the metaphor, is called programming. Anyone who says “With this tool I replace the programmers” just become a programmers themselves.

Many of those code generators, and programming by clicking systems replace one set of problems with another set.

A thought experiment

So, a thought experiment: lets suppose AI can write code as good as a human. Your programmers are replaced. What happens then?

First: do you trust what the AI writes? Or do you still need testers?

There have always been companies out there who forego testers and testing, undoubtedly many will. But in general you will want to test what the AI creates. Just because an AI says 2+2=5 does not make it right. There are already documented cases of AI exhibiting biases in things like identifying criminals.

In fact you probably need more testers for two reasons: programmers used to do some testing, while AI will not make silly syntax errors it will still make logic errors. Additionally if AIs writes more code faster than before there is simply more work in need of testing.

Second: how do you actually know what you want? – many programmers and testers spend most of their time actually understanding what customers want. Think: when you use travel planning software you may reject the first suggestion because it uses buses not trains, the second because there is too much walking, the third because you prefer connecting at one station over the other.

If the programmers are gone then testers might take on that work as part of testing (trial and error cycles). Or you might turn to Business Analysts and Product Managers. There are the specialists who understand what is wanted.

BAs and Product Managers have another role to play: post evaluation. Now it is cheaper to produce solutions there will be more solutions and someone needs to see whether they actually solve the problem you set out to solve.

In fact, there is more work to do in choosing the problems to solve in the first place. After all, building and deploying a new system is only part of the problem. What about training people to use it? What about changing the processes around it?

In fact, if we are introducing more technology and solutions faster than we are going to need more change managers analysts and consultants to advise on workflow improvements. One day your entire company may be machines working seamlessly together but until then you need to accommodate the people. Which means someone, be they BA or consultant, needs to look again at the workflow.

And if we know anything from the agile and digital movement of the last 20 years it is that changing our approach to work takes time. The technology is the easy bit. It takes years, decades even, for processes to change.

While there are still humans in the system there will still be interfaces which will need designing. Interface, UXD or experience design, is not an entirely logical processes. You need to look at how people respond. With more systems you have more interfaces and more need of interface designers.

And because adding features to your product is now so cheap you suddenly have an explosion of extra features which makes the interface more complicated and may even detract from your product value – remember how the iPod won out over other, more feature rich, competitors? So now you need you analysts and designers to limit the features you add and ensure those you do are usable.

So far we have removed programmers but increased the number of Testers, BAs, Product Manager and Designers.

In one form or another all these people will be telling the AI what to do, as I said this is call programming. So many of those new hires will be doing some form of programming. The programming paradigm has changed, perhaps its more high level, but it is still there.

If AI follows the pattern of past technology change (and why shouldn’t it?) then:

The full benefits of technology are not realised until the rest of the system, particularly processes, change to take advantage of the technology. This can take decades.

Programming isn’t going away

New technology is often billed as replacing previous technology and/or workers. It might do that in time but it also expands the market. Electricity did not eliminate candles, more candles are produced today than ever before but we don’t use them for lighting (so much.)

I don’t see AI programming bots replacing programmers in many detailed roles, perhaps ever. The ins and out of something like Modbus, and at the other extreme enterprise architecture, will make that hard. But there are domains were AI will dominate.

Finally, as we adopt new technology and processes we give rise to new innovations, we find new markets we can address and new ways of addressing existing problems. That generates work and new roles.

So I am sad to think the joys of youth spent writing ‘Writeln(“Hello world.”)’ are coming to an end, and my children will probably never experience the joy of feeling a machine perform their wishes (LDA#0, JSR OSWord, anyone?) those days are already gone.

Rationally I know AI is not something to fear (at least in the jobs context) but emotions are not always rational.

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What do you mean by “initiatives and OKRs”?

A few weeks ago I had a conversation with a potential client about OKRs. They started talking about “initiatives.” In fact, they talked about “initiatives” as a standard part of OKRs, one of those moments when self-doubt set in. I started wondering “What do they mean?” And more worryingly, “How do I not know about initiatives?”

When I did some digging it turns out that one, or possibly more, OKR consultancies talk about “initiatives” as a third level of OKR. For these consultants there is a hierarchy, Objective at the top, Key results below that and then initiatives as the “things you will do to deliver the key results and therefore the objective.”

Umm, maybe

In one way, I like the thinking. I agree that “what we will do” is not part of the objective and it’s not the key results. (A common mistake with OKRs, one I made myself years back, is seeing them as the to-do list.) So I can see why they label the things to do as another level. At the same time, I see two problems.

First is the hierarchical decomposition. Again, the idea that an initiative builds towards one key result which builds towards one objective. Once you start viewing key results as acceptance criteria which describe the post-objective world, this breaks down – the key results become cross-cutting. If your key result is “Customer receives their order within 48 hours”, for an objective of “Satisfied customers”, there is probably not just one thing to do. That goal may cut across lots of other pieces of work.

Is an initiative big or small?

Second, and perhaps more importantly, the word “initiative” is already widely used and means different things to different people, creating a recipe for confusion.

Specifically, although the #NoProjects community never standardised on the word, it is widely used as an alternative to “project” to describe a stream of work, an endeavour, a mission, a programme, or an ongoing effort. So for many of us, an initiative is not a small piece of work sitting below key results, but rather a big stream of work sitting above objectives.

This also hints at the reason why “initiative” was never agreed on. For many of us “initiative” has overtones of “beginning” – indeed my Apple dictionary uses words like “originate”, “before” and “fresh” when defining “initiative.” (In Dungeons and Dragons players roll “initiative” at the start of a fight to see who goes first).

So what do you think? Am I too sensitive? Have I missed something critical? – let me know in the comments or drop me a mail.

Still, there is most definitely a need to decide what actions are needed to deliver OKRs. When and how to do that will be in future posts, stay tuned. In the meantime, if you use the word initiative make sure you clearly tell people what you mean by the work.

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Why does agile need OKRs?

Why does agile need OKRs?

The comment I get again and again about my presentations and workshops, OKRs and others, is “passionate.” And it is true, I’ve been passionate about this thing which gets called “agile” for over 15 years. Now I know “agile” has become a dirty word in some circles, all I can say is “That’s not my agile.” My agile is about engaging everyone, about engineers doing quality work, a more orderly and effective work environment. This type of agile creates benefits like meeting deadlines, satisfying customers, a more orderly work environment and ultimately happier workers and an improved return on investment.

When I stand in front of people and talk I’m talking to my former self, the coder I was 20 years ago who struggled with all the same problems engineers struggle with today: unclear requests, too much work, weak management and yes, technology frustration. That’s why I’m passionate.

So why do I get excited about OKRs? And why did I write a book about them? – especially odd when know I was originally an OKR skeptic.

Let me honest: I’m not really passionate about OKRs. I’m passionate about what they can do for agile and how they can help those doing the work. OKRs are more than a very useful tool to add to the agile toolkit. Sure it is a very useful tool but they also address problems in agile.

First off OKRs are big, not small. Agile works best in small – remember diseconomies of scale? – small teams, small stories, small releases, … this is great for effectiveness but it looses track of the big things. The outer Matroska. Well, OKRs give us a mechanism for thinking bigger.

Second, standard agile (e.g. Scrum, XP and even Kanban) has no widely accepted solution to mid-range planning. We used to talk about “release plans” but since the arrival of continuous delivery that doesn’t make sense. People struggle to produce mid-range plans that are accepted by others. OKRs can plug that hole.

These two issues intersect when it comes to backlogs, in particular Scrum Product backlogs. All those small things clog up a backlog and without some planning mechanism merely obscure the truth. Put simply, backlogs don’t scale. Backlogs are useful when we are thinking days in advance and counting product-backlog-items (PBIs) in single digits but they fail when they contain hundreds of PBIs and extend years into the future. Again, OKRs can help here.

Third, OKRs provide a framework for elevating the conversation to more senior leaders and executives. These people lack their own agile context, their time is scarce and they don’t want to be bothered with small things which last a few days. But without their involvement and affirmation teams lack “air cover” from above and struggle to escalate issues upwards.

Not only do OKRs provide a communication interface to the senior team but the same mechanism facilitates communication and co-ordination with other teams. Done right OKRs create an API for the team and can push more authority down to the teams furthering self-organization.

When teams set their own OKRs we create a powerful feedback mechanism, a strategy debugger. (Conversely, cascading OKRs down a hierarchy destroys their power and undoes many benefits of agile working.)

In other words: OKRs allow agile to grow up.

That in a nutshell is why I think why agile needs OKRs, and why I’ll be writing more about OKRs.

Why does agile need OKRs? Read More »

OKRs as a strategy debugger (& sandwich maker)

Intended strategy goes wrong in one of two ways. First: it is the wrong strategy. It might be badly conceived, it might aiming at the wrong target, it might be based on weak analysis or mis-understanding.

Or it might go wrong because it is poorly executed. Strategy execution begins as soon as strategy is decided on because it needs to be communicated. Bungle the strategy communication and you are unlikely to recover.

Indeed communication issues run all the way through strategy execution because the meaning of any message is decided not by the speaker but by the listener. The executive charged with explaining strategy might think it is clear but each received understands the message in their own context. Even if the executive uses clear language – and lets face it, many don’t – they have no way of knowing what the receiver takes away.

The only way to know if a message is received correctly is with feedback. Similarly, feedback is needed if bad strategy is to be exposed. The executives setting strategy may lack information which those on the ground have and which undermines strategy. Executives think the strategy is great but to everyone else, the emperor has no clothes.

In other words: Linus’ Law applies to business strategy as much as computer software: “given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow”. Exposing more people to a strategy allows more brain power anymore information to be applied. But those brains can only have an influence if there is some means of feedback.

This is where OKRs come in. OKRs make strategy visible.

Remember that in my formulation teams set their own OKRs. This is the first test. Leaders set out the organization purpose, missions, visions, grand goals and strategic intent then ask the teams: “how can you help?”

Teams respond by setting OKRs which will advance on those goals. OKRs, written in a standardised format, are feedback from the teams to the upper echelons.

In my model leaders and managers are stakeholders in teams. While teams, which may include managers, are as autonomous as possible they are not free to do what they like. They are part of a system and exist to deliver to stakeholders. As such I expect team OKRs to be reviewed by leadership and those leaders to provide feedback. This is a debugging loop.

1. Leadership sets the strategy and intent, then communicates it out.

2. Team members hear and formulate OKRs to deliver that strategy and intent as they understand it.

3. Leadership reviews OKRs and will expect to find OKRs which, well, support their intent.

This “OKR sandwich” is fits with the Strategy Rethink I’ve talked about before. The sandwich creates two opportunities for misalignment (bugs) to be exposed. First when the team sets the OKRs, they might find the strategic intent does not match their world. That might be a misunderstanding or it might be because team members have information leadership does not.

Second, when leadership reviews OKRs they have the opportunity to find bugs. Discrepancies found at this point might indicate communication has failed, or it might indicate the team have additional information.

To be clear: OKRs which don’t match expected strategy are not the cause of problems but a symptom. Noticing the discrepancy early means corrective action can be taken quickly. Yes the OKR needs, but so too does the cause of the discrepancy.

Even after the OKR setting and review process, during execution, OKRs continue to play a debugging role. It is at this point that the “rubber hits the road” for the first time. Thus it is necessary for executives to keep feedback channels open.

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Connecting the dots – workflow, agile, OKRs, dyslexia and chaos!

Connecting dots

One of my failings, or one of my strengths, is that I have lots of interests. I tend to default to systems thinking, I see wholes, I see connections, I see things tying together, I think holistically. I can’t always explain it, sometimes I dive into detail but generally thats the way my mind works. Perhaps its because I’m dyslexic.

That has its advantages – problems seldom occur in isolation – and I think its one of my assets, I think it gives me the upper hand in resolving things. More than one client has told me I “bring order out of chaos.” I’m proud of that and I think its one of my key selling points. The problem is the clients need to recognise chaos to start with which people don’t like doing.

And while everyone will agree that more “holistic” thinking is needed… holistic also has negative overtones to some people. It is, if I can say this, somewhat “hippieish”. That is to say, it is vague, unfocused, perhaps a little work-shy. In fact, I can get frustrated myself with people who always enlarge a problem and want to engage in analysis after analysis. I just want to get on with it!

Perhaps because I naturally see wholes I don’t feel the need for analysis like other people. I want to move straight to action!

My problem is: holistic doesn’t sell. In fact, what sells is specific, very specific. Every marketing textbook, every marketeer, and even me will tell you: “focus on one specific customer, one specific problem, make your offer match their need precisely.”

For example, my best selling books are Succeeding with OKRs in Agile and, before that, Little Book of User Stories, both very specific. Conversely while I regard Business Patterns and Continuous Digital as my masterpieces they don’t sell in big numbers. Business Patterns addresses almost every aspect of commercial software while Continuous Digital reframes organizations completely.

Or take this blog, it rangers far and wide. The last three entries have looked at workflow, before that there were two posts about OKRs but they were broken up by news about Books to be Written – heck, Books to be Written has been a year long diversion from just about everything else I do.

It is a marketing nightmare, what is the theme? What is the consistency? What problem am I solving? Who should be my customers? – in terms of “marketing Allan” Books to be Written is a disaster!

But you know what, there is a theme in here. In my mind it is all about bringing order and bringing about a better, more focused world.

OKRs and agile because they both help create order and routine.

OKRs fit with the #NoProjects critique because both say “Forget the proxies and focus on the goals.”

Workflow fits in because goals can’t be delivered if you can’t actually get stuff done, and things can go wrong in so many ways.

Patterns fit with all of this because they explain the world, as does Lean thinking.

Feedback, and dialogue sheets, because they allow you to correct when the world doesn’t match your thinking.

Autonomy and devolved authority fit in because there is no one size fits all, if you apply “the standard approach” to any of this you might make it worse.

Writing books fits in because it captures lessons learned and shares them.

Get the picture? – does my mind make a little more sense?

Perhaps the irony is, that it is exactly because I can be so unfocused, that my mind will wonder everywhere, that I see wholes and connections, and I think in systems that I need to bring order to my own world. My world is big, wide ranging and apparently random, but I’ve honed the skills to see through that. Just don’t ask me how to market that!

Which again is so very dyslexic. Most of you were taught at school how to learn, you found the typical learning methods and patterns used in typical schools worked for you. Congratulations!

Being dyslexic those didn’t work for me. Dyslexics need to learn to learn before anything else. We have to do triple-loop learning before we can do single-loop. Because the underlying causes of dyslexia are so wide, and the way dyslexia manifests itself so variable, it is rare to find two dyslexics the same.

I had to think wide from early on. Learning strategies that work for non-dyslexics don’t work for dyslexics. But that does not apply in reverse. Rather, learning that works for dyslexics is often better for non-dyslexics.

I’d like to say that from now on this blog, my output and my marketing will be more focused – so you know what to expect and why to hire me! – but I don’t have words to describe the subject of that focus. Call it the focus without a name.

Connecting the dots – workflow, agile, OKRs, dyslexia and chaos! Read More »

When is work done?

Ever seen a Kanban board with 26 columns, or was is 22? I can’t remember. Half of them were queues anyway. (And here is a video of the full board.) How does a board get so big? Well…

After two blogs on flow and board design (It’s the workflow, stupid; When workflow isn’t column, column, column) I received a question on LinkedIn. It might not at first look like a question about workflow and board design but once you read the answer you will see how it is:

“I am writing our company’s “release process”. It is triggering quite a few confused debates internally. Some people think that the release process starts with the definition of release goals/KPIs, moves onto ideation, prioritisation, all the way to getting feedback after customer deployment. Others think it starts with a “release candidate of the product is available and finishes when the final release is given to customers.  I was wondering your thoughts on the topic. Between the two “extremes”, where would you draw the lines?”

I recognise this issue and in a way both sides are right. Although such questions normally appears in the context of writing a “definition of done” or a “definition of ready” it is really question of “where does work begin?” and “where does work end?” As such it is a workflow question and this a question of “where does our board start tracking work and where does it end?”

To put it another way, the question is: where do you place the boundaries?

Wherever you put the boundaries, someone can say “but you need to look at the bigger picture.” There is always something before the first step and something after the last step. On a Kanban board you can always add a column to the left and one to the right.

If the left most, work intake column, is “To do” then it is probably a sprint backlog and therefore there could be a column left of it marked “Product Backlog.” And since backlogs are driven by company strategy and product goals there could be a column before that. And goals are set reference to things like the market and company purpose and so there might be a column before that. You see, the workflow expands to the left?

Similarly, most teams consider “Done” to be the right most column, the final step in workflow. But really when they say done they mean “Code and test complete” so there should be a release step after that. And just because it is released doesn’t mean customers are using it so we could have “In use”. And then we should evaluate the usage, see if it meets the need and delivers the expected benefits so there is another column. But then, what if it doesn’t meet the need? Or what if it is so good it opens up new ideas? Before you know it you have a circular pattern.

(Maybe you see why some teams talk about Done and Done-Done, and even Done-Done-Done, and who knows …

Now this may start to sound like a philosophical problem – how many user stories can you fit on the head of a needle? – and it sort of is. What is done for your team?

Ultimately you need to put boundaries somewhere so the question is less “where should we start and end our process?” and more “what does the organization expect of the team?” Or you might prefer to think of it as “what do customers expect?”

You might also ask the team “Where does our work begin?” The answer to this question is going to depend both on the skills on your team and what team members think they should be doing. And that in turn will depend on the culture of the organization – are you a tailor or an image consultant?

So draw the line. Set your boundaries, codify them in release procedures and your board design. Then revisit those decisions in a few months time. Once teams are seen to perform well inside their “box” they get more leverage to expand the box and ask questions which expand the box. Which is all another reason why To do, In Progress and Done might not be the right board layout.

When is work done? Read More »

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